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  1. R

    242 Both Engines overheat New to me

    ...cool. I took some temp (F) reading before i took it out and on hose: On the water at idle: Starboard Cyl #1: 130 Cyl #2: 157 Cyl #3: 124 Cyl #4: 104 Oil Cooler/Filter: 150 Port Cyl #1: 142 Cyl #2: 105 Cyl #3: 100 Cyl #4: 91 Oil Cooler/Filter: 143 On the Hose at idle: Starboard Cyl #1: 113...
  2. DavisAR195

    AR195 Build Mods

    ...keel Step #2: Remove the two bolts that connect the reverse bucked to the cable Step #3: Remove the bolt and nut for the steering cable. Step #4: Remove the 4 bolts (2 on each side) so the everything can come off together. As for my Ballast/Surf set up. - The custom transom ballast bag...
  3. JDRacing

    Audio 101

    BigAbe, further to @Mainah's post, you may want to take a look at this thread, particularly post #4: https://jetboaters.net/threads/2018-242x-audio-problem.20295/ Assuming that you are looking at the same setup as @BoaTN describes on his late model year 2018 242X, it looks like you could try...