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  1. J

    Multitude of Questions about my 2019 Yamaha AR210

    on #1- definitely higher pitch than outboards or I/O. on #2 it's probably the anchor locker drain that's allowing the water in......believe it or not, the plastic factory installed drain fitting on many boats is too short and allows water into the hull. The fix is to buy a stainless steel...
  2. CokeZero

    seat cushions on the swim deck of the 2020 AR240?

    #1- I am so sorry that I haven't responded. I just logged on to look at another "issue" (project) and noticed you had responded! Usually my email will alert me. #2- No I didn't remove any of the seadek I was worried it would fray or be an issue.
  3. Julian

    Easy way to clean debris out of your jet pump (without pulling plugs or going in the water)

    #1- yes....you can reverse with just one engine and leave the other off. #2- No need to close the shut off valves.....you won't be backing water up into the exhaust with this maneuver. This is a 30 second reverse, then kill the engine(s). The reverse maneuver is the FIRST step to clearing...
  4. WiskyDan

    Quick Rejex question.......

    ...it's not sitting out their for days. This is my plan but I'm not sure if I have the steps correct - even after reading the other Rejex threads: #1- Nice service guy at marina acid washes hull and places it on outdoor bunk where it's shaded in the morning. #2- Grumpy Yamaha owner applies a...