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  1. 2kwik4u

    Generic LiFePo Battery Question......

    ...one works (not sure why), so it might be reduced power. *edit* It's a 350W motor https://razor.com/products/electric-rides/dirt-quad/ *edit #2* Looks like about a 2.4% drop on RS and a 7.9% drop on LS, and an 11.3% drop overall. Predicting around 180min of runtime at this rate, if I can...
  2. 2kwik4u

    Backing Plate Material and Adhesive

    ...the abrupt thickness changes. You can redrill the holes and do final assembly once the fiberglass has cured. *edit* what the heck is G10? *edit #2* is this it? Jamestown Distributors *edit #3* This thread has a comment about it. Alternative backing plate materials - Cruisers & Sailing...
  3. cpthook

    Check Engine warning and alarm (8.6 Hours)

    **Update #2** Was able to clear the Check Engine warning. For newer boat owners like me the mistake I made may save you some headache. If you park your boat in a driveway with a slope, DO NOT perform the flush procedure in the driveway. While aggressively searching for solutions with no...