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  1. CrankyGypsy

    Challenger 180 anti-porpoising modification

    ...began about 3/16” below the surface. Next I drilled for the M5 bolts that hold the two pieces of aluminum together, using a 7/32” bit (or a #5). These were counterbored so the socket head sits flush inside. The six holes on the bottom were drilled to 13/64” diameter and about 5/8” deep, then...
  2. JusFlyinBy

    Check Engine Light - No Fault Code

    Lee check my post just above yours (Post #5). I've not had a problem since I swapped battery locations.
  3. Julian

    My 2016 Yamaha 242X thread....(MORE photos added 6/14/19)

    ...of King starboard and cut and routed it to that shape, then bolted and screwed it into the boat. Here is the info on how I did it: https://jetboaters.net/threads/chart-plotter-placement-on-newer-boats-with-connext-simrad-go7-installed.12273/post-225140 (linked on page 1 of this thread item #5)