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  1. anmut

    Low voltage house battery only on float mode

    ...much longer. #4, Best practice is to, if you store your boat out of water, install a dual bank charging system to keep your batteries topped off. #5, Always shut off both batteries when not using the boat from the hard switches. If you leave them on while you store the boat between using...
  2. Ronnie

    Sotally Tober's Stripper Pole

    ...through the swim deck or does it rest on the surface below the top of the swim deck but before the area where the ladder is stored? I’m curious but not going to ask what your boat will cost as modified, whatever it is, i cannot afford it. #5, Yamaha should be rolling the red carpet out for you.
  3. jetboatjay

    2021 Yamaha boats - Showing up at dealerships...

    Yes, I am forgetting the pin, good catch. BUT, the new trailer from Shorelandr has a blade on #4, #3, #5, and #2....and as you point out #7. So I guess that is the 5 pin everyone else is talking about. I will try to volt meter again this afternoon on the truck and trailer and see if I can...
  4. drewkaree

    Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

    I will soon be gifted with grandson #5, so in his honor...