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  1. Bruce

    SWAG Water proof relay and switch $40

    ...The kit includes; 1 Relay housing labeled for battery and pump connections with 5 feet of control cable that plugs into the power switch 1 Stainless push button switch 4 Pieces of shrink tubing for power cable connections 2 #6x5/8 stainless steel screws Shipping is free to US addresses.
  2. Bruce

    Boat Stuff Air Panel Kit $140

    ...to secure the pump 2 TPU seals for hose end fittings 4 Pieces of shrink tubing for the pump to relay power connections 1 Small tube of E6000 8 #6x5/8 stainless steel screws 10 Plugs to seal Airhead fittings (squeeze in with pliers) 1 Plug to seal Airhead pump (glue in) 1 Spare set of suck and...