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  1. sunbyrned

    New to me 2011 Yamaha 242 Limited S

    Here’s a diagram from a previous thread. Check post #11 from @Scottintexas . You’ll see the tubes (part #7) and the hose clamps at top and bottom. Does this help? I don’t have pics handy right now. https://jetboaters.net/threads/clean-out-port-rubber-tubes.23124/#post-390730
  2. W

    Just picked up a 2005 SX230 - oil light on I think

    @Sdrolet You could take the top of the oil cooler off and check the strainer (part #7). That can be done without removing the engine. I would even reuse the rubber o-rings. They can be spot permatexed, if need be, to reassemble.
  3. jetboy

    Want To Buy JL Audio 6.5 speakers

    ...for a little more $$. BTW, great choice if youre considering. Just finished my factory system overhaul to full JL Audio, cutting in a few extra speakers, adding amps, and installing last weekend and absolutely in love with the sound! Best sounding marine system I've installed yet (makes...