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Search results

  1. paradox782

    Reverse Gate Emergency Repair - Trip Saver

    Recently, I replaced a reverse cable on my starboard drive. I went a local sandbar without a problem. The boat was never beached or struck bottom. As it was getting dark, I pulled anchor and tried to get underway. I found I could not turn to port an d that I had a strange rooster tail coming...
  2. paradox782

    Connext system error

    Make sure your battery terminals are clean and tight. My terminal barely moved when I tugged on the wire but that was enough to cause the error. My batteries usually provide about 13.7 volts. If you have a volt meter check the house battery then check lighter plug by the steering wheel. You can...
  3. paradox782

    Connext system error

    I launched my boat with no problems in idle / low speed. As soon as I cleared the channel and throttled up, I got all sorts of errors and alarms. I was limited to less than 2000 rpm. I did the usual computer tech support solution and turned the ignition off and on. The second time it worked. It...
  4. paradox782

    2010 MFI trailer - HELP !!!!

    Thank you! for a starting point. After I put the little one to bed I'll start the research. Any info is good info, and more than MFI cares to provide. I really appreciate your help.
  5. paradox782

    2010 MFI trailer - HELP !!!!

    Bought a used 2011 242 limited S. It came with an MFI trailer. I need new brake parts, as well as, the surge brake activation safety cable. I've been calling MFI every few days for over THREE WEEKS. I have been leaving both voice messages and messages with the operator to no avail. Does anyone...