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Search results

  1. 330Wheelguy

    '97 Mirage SS custom with pics!

    Thanks! Since they didn't make a kit for it, I had to make the templates out of mylar for the job. It was a long process but I am super happy with the outcome
  2. 330Wheelguy

    '97 Mirage SS custom with pics!

    A better shot of the aux lighting at night
  3. 330Wheelguy

    '97 Mirage SS custom with pics!

    Actually pretty good! It filled out the midrange sound a lot
  4. 330Wheelguy

    '97 Mirage SS custom with pics!

    Thanks! Its the portage lakes in Akron
  5. 330Wheelguy

    Custom sugar sand mirage in PLX ohio

    Haha thank you! I'm actually at the automotive business for about 17 years so I've got a pretty good handle on tasteful modifications but I appreciate the compliment
  6. 330Wheelguy

    '97 Mirage SS custom with pics!

    Thanks! Its a ton of fun. I live on a lake that's got a bunch of bars/wineries etc so its good to hop around and do tow sports. Best part is i can actually tow it with my WRX so it fits my life pretty well
  7. 330Wheelguy

    '97 Mirage SS custom with pics!

    Greetings all! New to the Forum and was told this would be a great spot to post. About a year ago I bought a barely running Mirage Super Sport with the Mercury 175 xr-2... complete with electrical issues and no front seats. This will be its second summer on the water in my hands; after the tune...
  8. 330Wheelguy

    Custom sugar sand mirage in PLX ohio

    Greetings, all! This is my 3rd attempt at trying to get this to post so I will summarize rather than running a book. 2016 I bought a barely running Sugar Sand Mirage with nasty parasitic voltage drain and no front seats. Tuned up, rewired, fully restoring customized and this will be its second...