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  1. cory lucas

    Windshield touching dash, normal?

    Same thing here about removing water from center ski storage. Also water gets under the chrome cup holders next to the driver and passenger seats and have to remove water with towel.
  2. cory lucas

    SWAG Jetboaters.net Koozie's available SOLD OUT...

    I just ordered JetBoaters.net Koozies! This post was automatically inserted to keep track of the order. You can order yours at http://jetboaters.net/forms/jetboaters-net-koozie-order-form.1/respond
  3. cory lucas

    Thrust Vector - Anyone installed

    I have Cobra Jet, they seam to work fine.
  4. cory lucas

    Glastron GTS207 Drone video

    Very cool, seeing this help us realize how our boats handle.
  5. cory lucas

    Jet Spray Questions GTS187

    New to the forum and also an proud new owner of a GTS 187. Just wandering if there is a way to adjust the jet spray. Is it possible to lower the spray just a little so there is not so much wash within 60 or so feet back. Trying to ski up closer to benefit from the larger waves but cant, the...