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Search results

  1. D

    Twin rotax 200 different rpms under acceleration

    Got my boat back from the dealership back in August. RPM differential between the motors is no longer an issue. The tech thought that there were two issues that might have caused the problem but couldn't definitively say which since both issues were addressed before they checked it out on the...
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    Twin rotax 200 different rpms under acceleration

    Copied from my other post...2018 Chaparral Vortex 2430 VRX issues: 'Right out of the no-wake zone, the difference in rpm's between the port and starboard was still an issue at speeds above idle. However the motors sounded to be sync'd up. Periodically the Medallion rpm displays would read the...
  3. D

    2018 Chaparral Vortex 2430 VRX Issues

    The dealership has been keeping me informed and it sounds like they've been in frequent contact with BRP. Evidentially there was a 'run' of engines that were sent out with the catalyst elements missing. Doesn't inspire any confidence in BRP quality control. There should be traceability to the...
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    2018 Chaparral Vortex 2430 VRX Issues

    Agreed, seriously considered it, however, it was a special order placed at the end of April and was one of three available builds slotted for the dealership. Took a gamble. I just wanted to put this information out for others that might be in the market...maybe see if this is out of the norm or...
  5. D

    2018 Chaparral Vortex 2430 VRX Issues

    Purchased a 2018 Chaparral Vortex 2430 VRX and it has issues with both BRP Rotax 1503 4-TEC (250HP) engines within 2.2 (port) to 3.3 (starboard) operating hours the first day on the water after taking possession. The port engine actually had issues on the familiarization ride on the lake prior...