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Search results

  1. C

    Completed 2017 Wake Wedge Group buy

    I understand this group buy has expired and you're busy. May I get a link to your product? Also if there is a new group buy I've got change in my pocket goin gingalingaling. Thank you
  2. C

    Horrendous grinding noise

    It's done it since new so I just assumed it was normal. And now that I've found the holy grail of jet boat info..... thank you is where I'm going with this.
  3. C

    Horrendous grinding noise

    New to this forum and to boating, 4-5 years now. We have a 2015 AR240 ever since New after we pull out of the water and boat is on trailer I fire up each engine rev it up to kick out any water left in the engine/exhaust it sounds like gremlins are sword fighting. Not as bad as the video shared...
  4. C

    2017 JetBoatPilot SeaDek Group Buy <30% Discount REACHED!>

    Wish I'd been a member of this forum and seen this before I ordered my cockpit kit and optional pad kit