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Search results

  1. U

    Steering cable help please

    No, no mods.
  2. U

    Steering cable help please

    No not yet. Picking it back up from the dealer Monday. I spoke with the service manager and he said he’d call Yamaha again. Well he then called and said he wouldn’t be able to until Monday due to it being a holiday. I thought ok no problem. Then it hit me.... how did Yamaha say no today in the...
  3. U

    Steering cable help please

    f3m-u1470-00-00 Here is the part number. I haven’t been able to cross reference it to anything? How should I go about it? :)
  4. U

    Steering cable help please

    2016 Yamaha 190 fsh.
  5. U

    Steering cable help please

    So my boat is garage kept and has about 50 hours on it. My steering cable has become very rough to turn. I tried taking it to the dealer under warranty and was told it’s corrosion and not a defective part and quoted me $900. I’m thinking of doing this myself and curious how bad of a job is this...