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Search results

  1. DennisRS

    Throttle cable adjustment/sync

    I have the same issue from the factory..my port throttle is about a quarter inch off from the starboard throttle. The dealer I purchased from clearly did not water test my boat before I took delivery, now I am sorting out all of the bugs on my own because they were too lazy to do so themselves...
  2. DennisRS

    Anchor Hatch Lift Support

    Dont know what the measurement differences between the boats themselves are, however this is the shock on my 2017 AR210.. SE119p-30... here is a generic replacement with all d imensions online i found...
  3. DennisRS

    2017 AR210 Display and Tachometer malfunction

    Got the boat back 2 days later. Dealer replaced the entire Connext display/interface ($1,100 warranty repair) and resolved the “starboard engine communication” fault issues.
  4. DennisRS

    2017 AR210 Display and Tachometer malfunction

    Brand New 2017 AR210. Pulled it off the trailer into the lake to complete my engine break in. About 5 minutes in started getting intermittent general alarm“starboard engine communication error”. When the alarm was active, the starboard tach would drop and/or bounce back and forth. Engine ran...