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Search results

  1. jdonigancpa

    Ultranautics Jetstar - Starting problems

    I found the Operator's Manual for the JetStar and was able to scan it. It's a little old and dirty, but the info is all there. I hope this helps!
  2. jdonigancpa

    Ultranautics Jetstar - Starting problems

    Wow, Joe! Great find! I have a parts manual on my computer that I can forward to you (10MB file, so not sure if upload will work - will try). It has been useful to see cutaway drawings of how the boat is assembled that has helped troubleshoot various issues. As for the owner's manual, it has...
  3. jdonigancpa

    Ultranautics Jetstar - Starting problems

    I have owned a 1991 JetStar for a little over 2 years now. First note I will add is that the owners manual came with mine, and it referenced a 40:1 fuel mix. Not to say that this is your issue, but just a side note. Not sure if that was different for any other year. The issue I have...