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Search results

  1. swampy86

    Show us your tow rigs!

    Replaced my Colorado with a 2019 Ram Rebel. The Colorado was a great truck for its size, but with a baby on the way fitting a car seat was going to be problematic. I love the Ram so far. The interior’s roominess, tech, and build quality are incredible, and it does a great job pulling the boat.
  2. swampy86

    Show us your tow rigs!

    My truck does double duty as a tow vehicle and desert exploration vehicle. It even averaged a respectable 10.9MPG on a recent trip towing the boat from Las Vegas to Lake Powell. Not bad for a midsized truck with a V6.
  3. swampy86

    JetBoatPilot Lateral Thruster / Thrust Vector Group Buy 2018

    Hello everyone, new member here. Big thanks to Will for doing this. I just bought my '18 212 Limited last week so it's perfect timing for me! I'm in for both.