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Search results

  1. Brad Berry

    Kentucky Lake to Nashville, TN?

    Very good info! I think a fall trip would be great! In my opinion, fitting it into a 3 day window wouldn't be ideal, because you wont have very much time hanging out in Nashville (which is a ton of fun). If you're traveling to the launch and on the water all day on Friday, you're probably...
  2. Brad Berry

    Kentucky Lake to Nashville, TN?

    Here is the website for the docks downtown. A-dock is on the west side and right on the doorsteps of downtown Nashville. However, at this time it looks to be closed for construction. T-dock is on the east bank, and is close to Nissan Stadium. It would be pretty cool to go in the fall and be...
  3. Brad Berry

    Kentucky Lake to Nashville, TN?

    Hello! Has anyone made a trip down the Cumberland from Kentucky Lake to Nashville, TN? I've seen a thread about things to do around Nashville, but nothing necessarily from KY Lake down the Cumberland. I've had a few friends that have taken the trek via large Cruisers, but I'm looking for...
  4. Brad Berry

    Lake Kincaid near murphysboro, IL

    We go to Kincaid all the time. Only about 45 minutes from home. Free launch and parking, great party cove area, and a nice clean lake. Great for tubing/wake, cliffs, etc. The marina, docks, restaurant, etc are supposed to be getting a makeover sometime in the future which will be nice too.