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Search results

  1. Terry Chadwick

    Mercury Sport Jet 120 blown........PLEASE HELP!!!

    I've ordered a new ride plate seal 8301231 and 2 stator oil seals 819396. I will first need to straighten the bent ride plate and repair the damaged ride plate screw holes. I understand the importance of having a good seal (gasket) 8301231 and a straight ride plate in order to avoid cavitation...
  2. Terry Chadwick

    Mercury Sport Jet 120 blown........PLEASE HELP!!!

    Yesterday RedBarron provided some insight as to the effect of a bent ride plate and or defective ride plate seal. I've attached three photos of my 1998 Sugar Sand Heat ride plate used with the Mercury Sport Jet 120hp XR. The ride plate was found to be bent most likely as a result of someone...
  3. Terry Chadwick

    Mercury Sport Jet 120 blown........PLEASE HELP!!!

    Thanks RedBarron, that is the seal. The previous owner had tried repairing with marine sealant. I'm going to try and get the ride plate to release from the hull. I suspect some of the sealant is holding in place. I read somewhere that a hot air blower might help with freeing up the ride plate...
  4. Terry Chadwick

    1996 sugar sand heat xr power issue

    Hi I purchased a 1998 Heat with a 120XR this past season. It too had issues with acceleration, planing etc. I've yet to solve the planing issue but hopefully will for next season. I will however share with you what I learned with respect to the engine and fuel supply. I started by replacing the...
  5. Terry Chadwick

    Mercury Sport Jet 120 blown........PLEASE HELP!!!

    Thanks RedBarron for commenting. I'm not certain the ride plate is bent or it's simply a matter of the ride plate's front profile being higher than the rear profile. The seal/gasket is definitely showing signs of wear as the previous owner had placed a large amount of sealant around the...
  6. Terry Chadwick

    Mercury Sport Jet 120 blown........PLEASE HELP!!!

    Hi Huey, sorry to read about your engine problem. I came across your post while trying to get info on the 1998 Sugar Sand Heat Ride Plate. I purchased my Heat 120XR last March and used it this past season with less than desirable performance. I believe my boat's ride plate is causing the boat...