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  1. D

    Dreaded no compression on #1 cylinder

    4x15mph I am looking into fullbore online and was thinking it would be best to send the cylinders to them and get a bore job done with matching pistons. After some research they seem to be a popular choice for rebuilds... I checked out the carb associated with #1 cylinder and found the...
  2. D

    Dreaded no compression on #1 cylinder

    Just found the number 100 engraved on the intake side of the piston.. if that helps thanks for any input!
  3. D

    Dreaded no compression on #1 cylinder

    Hey guys.. On my last outing I noticed my port engine had lost power. Upon further inspection I happened to look down into the plug hole as I was about to attach my compresion gauge when I saw an actual hole about the size of a dime in the centre of my piston... I removed the top end...