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Search results

  1. md11pilot

    Exuma Bahamas Trip June 2016

    Understand the trust issue. Again not trying to force way into a group. Never was intended. Sorry I stepped on any toes. Enjoy your trip.
  2. md11pilot

    Exuma Bahamas Trip June 2016

    I'm praying for Fair Winds and Following Seas for all those going this year. Hope your trip is fantastic as I know it will be memorable. Safe travels all.
  3. md11pilot

    Exuma Bahamas Trip June 2016

    Been to Bimini multiple time on a 42 ft boat we previously owned. First time on a 24 ft boat. Seen and done all the sites around the North and South Island. Looking for larger experience. Not a nubie to boating.
  4. md11pilot

    Exuma Bahamas Trip June 2016

    We would love and have dreamed about a trip like this. Unfortunately the timing is bad for this year. Anyone thinking of doing it next year also. Would love to tag along
  5. md11pilot

    Battery powered and hard wired LED tow point mount

    Please send info to my pm. Would like board and wireless set up
  6. md11pilot

    Battery powered and hard wired LED tow point mount

    I'm interested in getting this set up for my 2014 242 limited s. Do you still have boards?
  7. md11pilot


    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Bow
  8. md11pilot

    On the water Help User Group - Join to Help or post @HELP when you are in urgent need

    Thanks for putting this group together. Hope I never need it but glad it's there. Hope I can help too. I'm still a nubie to jet boating.
  9. md11pilot

    SWAG Flags 2015 order

    I just ordered a JetBoaters.net Flag! This post was automatically inserted to keep track of the order. You can order yours at http://jetboaters.net/forms/jetboaters-net-flag-order-form.3/respond
  10. md11pilot

    SWAG Flags 2015 order

    Black with red please...