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Search results

  1. Valerie

    Bimini 2024??

    Looks like we may be losing both boats that we’re going with us. @robert843 did you guys make reservations yet? It’s 3 skis No dead weight this trip though.
  2. Valerie

    Bimini 2024??

    I am, looks like we will have 3 skis (different from the nightmare trip :confused:) , 2 on the ferry and 2 maybe 3 boats. We are booked on north Bimini and Bahia Mar on the 16th. I’m excited, hoping this odd weather gets it all out of its system before the summer!
  3. Valerie

    Bimini 2024??

    My fingers are crossed for you!!!
  4. Valerie

    Bimini 2024??

    We just made a reservation on north Bimini for 6/17-6/23 if you change your mind
  5. Valerie

    Bimini 2024??

    Are there any trips to Bimini in planning phases for 2024? My search is not pulling any results….:cool:
  6. Valerie

    Bimini Trip June 27th - July 2nd 2021

    Let’s plan 2024! I need a redemption trip anyway!!
  7. Valerie

    Bimini Trip June 27th - July 2nd 2021

    There’s a post about a crossing in facebook Not sure if this is the one your looking for
  8. Valerie

    Bimini 2022

    I cheated and put one on my new (to me) ski 🤣😂🤣
  9. Valerie

    Bimini 2022

    Marathon @ https://www.blackfinresort.com/ We got a prretty good rate through booking.com
  10. Valerie

    Bimini 2022

    We are doing a long weekend in the keys this year with @ThatJeepGuy, @ThatJeepGirl, @Skroggy66 and some others if anyone wants to join us June 23-36
  11. Valerie

    Bimini 2022

    Lol Yeah, you better enjoy the company of your housemates A LOT! unfortunately we had a “Murphy’s law” trip this last year and spent waayyy more time then anticipated in the condo…..the last night (during the first night of lockdown) one of our room mates was howling at the moon……@svana can...
  12. Valerie

    Bimini 2022

    we crossed with the group last year, we were there June 27- July 2nd
  13. Valerie

    Bimini 2022

    picture the no see ums from the Florida marshes on steroids on South Bimini!:p Besides long sleeves, long Pants socks and a hoodie to cover your head and neck, I found nothing that worked. Luckily the bugs don’t like me as much as some and I don’t have near the reaction as some do to the bites...
  14. Valerie

    Bimini 2022

    I will share my $.02 If you are staying on south bimini, bring every and any type of bug repellent you can find. They are savages and we could not get to our skis and out of the marina fast enough to get away from them. it was impossible to be outside of the condo for any amount of time last...
  15. Valerie

    2021 Bimini Photos

  16. Valerie

    2021 Bimini Photos

  17. Valerie

    2021 Bimini Photos

  18. Valerie

    2021 Bimini Photos

    There’s no rhyme or reason to the order of my photos, but as you can see it was a great time! 💞💞💞 Sadly I am not having much luck posting my videos 🥺
  19. Valerie

    2021 Bimini Pot Luck - June 28th - Sign up

    I don’t think I got to get everyone stickers Please let me know if I missed anyone