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Search results

  1. T

    Looking for some help in the Houston area.

    Thank you for the response and offer to help I really appreciate it. I have decided to wait until the end of the boating season and see if I can score a better deal then.
  2. T

    Looking for some help in the Houston area.

    No that is not me. It's just a name I carried over from a couple car forums I am on. Just checked out the channel though. lol
  3. T

    Looking for some help in the Houston area.

    Yea the guy told me he is the 3rd owner and the hours meter was installed by the first. Also the boat has never been used in salt water so I am skeptical.
  4. T

    Looking for some help in the Houston area.

    Hi guys I am hoping I can reach out to someone in the Houston area to look at a boat for me. This guy is the 3rd owner it seems like a decent deal but I don't want to offer anything without seeing it. Any help anyone can offer is appreciated. Also I was told you can hook up some software that...
  5. T

    Looking to buy a 21 ft Yamaha need engine advice.

    Thanks for the quick search that is exactly what I am looking for. Now you guys have me intrigued about the new design this fall i'll probably wait and see what that brings.
  6. T

    Looking to buy a 21 ft Yamaha need engine advice.

    Does anyone know if the maintance/reliability on the different engines relatively the same?
  7. T

    Looking to buy a 21 ft Yamaha need engine advice.

    Thanks for the responses everyone, glad to know i can expand my search a little bit. RightStuff I too live in the Twin Cities area south saint paul and am having a hell of a time finding a nicely priced used 21ft yamaha. Thanks for the response.
  8. T

    Looking to buy a 21 ft Yamaha need engine advice.

    Hi guys like the title says I am looking to buy a used 21 ft Yamaha. The SX210 seems just what I want but I am a little concerned about the stock 220 hp not being enough to pull my kids on a tube with 5 or so people in the boat. Can any of you squash this concern? As an alternative I have been...
  9. T

    Completed 2008 212SS - Coming Soon

    What do you think your price would be? My wife and I are thinking about purchasing a Yamaha. More specifically a 21 ft with the HO engines like yours has.