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Search results

  1. N

    Customs and Border Protection

    you need your nexus or an i68 and a BR number, whenever you go over you must call US customs and report as well as calling Canadian customs when you return. everyone on board must have either the nexus and BR number or the I68. Saying your just filling up with gas doesn't work because as soon...
  2. N

    Owners Manuals - Yamaha AR240, SX240 and 242 Limited / S

    def not popping up when i hit inbox , the only time i see it is after you send a message, i can't get one, a light blue box any other way
  3. N

    Owners Manuals - Yamaha AR240, SX240 and 242 Limited / S

    i cant believe i cant figure this out cant find new conversation
  4. N

    Owners Manuals - Yamaha AR240, SX240 and 242 Limited / S

    not sure how to pm, but very interested if you can help
  5. N

    Owners Manuals - Yamaha AR240, SX240 and 242 Limited / S

    might be a stupid question but can you print these