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Search results

  1. dave@FFM

    Connectx system and "Err" speed

    We have ours in the shop now chasing a ballast comm loss error which has prevented the ballast bags from filling and emptying correctly. They walked us through a reset procedure over the phone to get us through the weekend but the error kept coming back. We haven't had the problem with the...
  2. dave@FFM

    New 242X... and hello!

    Okay... last ones... for now!
  3. dave@FFM

    New 242X... and hello!

    Thanks everyone... we already have about 10 hours on her... having a great time!
  4. dave@FFM

    New 242X... and hello!

    Hi All, Just picked up a new 242X... so far, so good. But it's tall on the trailer, really tall! I have to raise our awning or collapse the tower to park it. It's a great boat... looking forward to some fun times!