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  1. Steven Small

    Bouncy Shoreland'r Trailer? Carlisle Stands Behind Their Product

    Thisis the right side between the tandems. Also the fenders are cracked where the carriage bolts go through the top to secure the fender.
  2. Steven Small

    2015 Yamaha 242/240 SiriusXM antenna?

    To all that have contributed, I want to say THANK YOU! I changed out tuners and it worked just fine. On a side note, the radio head is 10 pin, however the sxv300v1 is 8 pins as well but it only uses 8. New tuner clicked right in and hooked antenna up and it worked great.
  3. Steven Small

    2015 Yamaha 242/240 SiriusXM antenna?

    Yes it looks exactly the same. I have a tuner here but its 8 pin and will not connect. When we went to BB and they opened the box it was 8 pin and looked exactly like what I have.
  4. Steven Small

    2015 Yamaha 242/240 SiriusXM antenna?

    We went to best buy and they opened the tuner box and it had a 8 pin cable.
  5. Steven Small

    2015 Yamaha 242/240 SiriusXM antenna?

    I never got it installed. The polk radio head takes a 10 pin. The sxm tuner cable comes with an 8 pin on my 2016 yamaha 242 limited. I called sxm, well I should have just talked to the wall.
  6. Steven Small

    2015 Yamaha 242/240 SiriusXM antenna?

    How many pins are in the back of the radio module that connect to the tunner?
  7. Steven Small

    Quick Question on Bimini Top

    Thanks for the info.
  8. Steven Small

    Quick Question on Bimini Top

    Im having the exact same issue. The lower front poles do not meet at the same angle. I was told by dealer that Yamaha knows about it. What their fix is who knows. We have been disconnecting front adjustment poles from each other, attaching the bottom pole to the biat with the thumb screws, then...