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  1. Beachbummer

    Helm is done...

    Love it. Very nice. I ended up with a analog gauge but GPS powered for speed. https://www.hodgesmarine.com/far33749-faria-chesepeake-black-ss-4-studded-speedometer.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1v-0ZDHJ_qHcm-_2tyiIgjL6JhSO676O6oEXgnzkE_hahHB6eQZ1toaApUdEALw_wcB
  2. Beachbummer

    YES Warranty parts and repair delays

    I'm so sorry to hear. At some point you may want to evaluate if it's truly worthwhile to continue to pursue this. In some cases warranties are worth the paper they are printed on, and no more. Repair costs endless weeks of lost use is borderline ridiculous for "value" of the warranty even at...
  3. Beachbummer

    Hot Restart Issue.

    Our older throttle mechanism had a button at the base of the lever to increase rpm while on neutral and it would still crank. Probably things have changed.
  4. Beachbummer

    Hot Restart Issue.

    I am curious if trying to start with wide open throttle for a few seconds helps... Followed by normal start. My theory is that there may be a slow fuel leak from injectors, and allowing the engine to crank at full throttle would move enough air to fix the mixture. Just a thought.
  5. Beachbummer

    Adjusting TPS, and/or removing throttle body

    Best way to gain knowledge is through others mistakes. Less good way is through (our) own mistakes.
  6. Beachbummer

    Adjusting TPS, and/or removing throttle body

    They were not loose, but when the head was replaced last year the tps sensor was reinstalled just slightly off spec. One thing to keep in mind, as you may bump the key to wake up YDS as you are adjusting, mind the fuel hose, which should be reconnected to the throttle body or plugged some other...
  7. Beachbummer

    Adjusting TPS, and/or removing throttle body

    Thanks for all the tips. Mischief managed. Fuel line removed, maf connector, tps connector and air bypass electrical connector removed, then 4 bolts for the flame arrestor, the 8 bolts for the throttle body, and a little jiggling to get it loose, lift the back and pull out fuel rail inlet of...
  8. Beachbummer

    Adjusting TPS, and/or removing throttle body

    Lol, I was considering that option also. Do you recall a trick to disconnecting the connector in place? I tried to disconnect from the harness while the tps is attached and I could not.
  9. Beachbummer

    Adjusting TPS, and/or removing throttle body

    Hello folks, I realized through last season that my starboard TPS needs to be adjusted. No wake will activate only if I lost the idle way down, below 1550. I have explored and actually removed injectors before but even with the service manual it has been somewhat haphazard. For those of you...
  10. Beachbummer

    Water in oil AR230HO MR1 engine

    Head gasket could be it. I don't know how to do it, but you need a leak down test to check head gasket and valve health.
  11. Beachbummer

    Starting Issue, Needs Troubleshooting

    80%. Certain guess from me is the starter solenoid. It's in your electrical box, follow the red wire to the starter, it will be on the opposite side in an electrical box. Shop manual or YouTube will help. The solenoid in my case kept getting worse. After replacement it all returned to normal.
  12. Beachbummer

    Neutral safety switch

    I don't have a Scarab but I can say I did not understand your problem description...AND this is an old thread. How about a new thread with some additional info. What happens when, and what should happen instead? Good Luck!
  13. Beachbummer

    Tesla Cybertruck killer?

    And made by our solid trading partners, the Russians. Sounds like a solid option.
  14. Beachbummer

    Thoughts on a single battery setup

    2 is 1, and 1 is none, as far as the sea is concerned.
  15. Beachbummer

    Our New 2024 222S

    More pictures??? How's the interior??? Great looking boat.
  16. Beachbummer

    Selling our boat privately, what do I need to be mindful of?

    I had a similar deal for my current boat. Loan outstanding, and we were far away. The time wait is the only area that worries me. I had reasonable trust for not having met him before. We signed a bill of sale and transferred the boat physically to me with a bill of sale as we mailed the check...
  17. Beachbummer

    Port engine cranks fine but won't start.

    Jeff, on some boats those hatch switches do both things (two separate circuits, one for stopping cranking, the other to kill spark, 4 wires total) You are right that when the switch is working it will behave as you describe, but the switch can fail allowing cranking but no spark. Jumping the...
  18. Beachbummer

    Chaparral Throttle Assembly Discontinued HELP

    Did you find any solutions? More info would help. Best of luck!!!
  19. Beachbummer

    Boat 2004 Yamaha AR210 with Trailer FL - 160HP MR-1's $9.5K

    Wow!!! This is a legendary boat. Can you share current running condition?
  20. Beachbummer

    oil change price

    Dealer overhead and lifestyle. And these boats break so infrequently, I really don't know how they stay in business...oh wait, they charge $700 an hour for oil change labor, I guess they don't need to bill many hours to stay afloat.