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  1. S

    scratch On front of hull (need advice)

    I've buffed out cars and wet sanded and fixed lol scratches on the boat I've also painted my car n used to hydro dip.. so the gel coat is new to me but I know a little bit. It looks pretty simple I just wasn't sure if the patches are worth it ..if they are a temporary fix or a permanent fix.
  2. S

    scratch On front of hull (need advice)

    Yea that's what I was looking at I will call them tomorrow to make sure it can be here before next weekend thank you so much
  3. S

    scratch On front of hull (need advice)

    Ok so if I fix it with the spectrum one I'll still have to get it fixed in the off season?
  4. S

    scratch On front of hull (need advice)

    Okay thank you guys! I seen the kits I just wasn't sure if they were any good or if it was hard to use I will order it today and fix it this week! I'll let y'all know the outcome lol
  5. S

    scratch On front of hull (need advice)

    I hit something today at lake and scratched my hull up pretty good.. is it save to take out? Hard to fix? How much to get it fixed? It is down to fiberglass ...If someone can help me out not sure what to do I don't know much about gel coating so if it's not save to take out I need to drive it 3...
  6. S

    Alignment issues

    Yes.. and I have called jetboatpilot and had a conversation with him. We have figured out the problems I have since adjusted it a little bit more and got a hair of clearance. So I'll just have to try it! Thank you guys!
  7. S

    Alignment issues

    I had to work on my nozzle well after I put it back together I noticed my thrust vector Xv is really close if anyone has a 2016 ar190 to compare pictures. Thank you just really didn't ever notice it doing this.
  8. S

    Help!!! <how to fix scratch?>

    Alright! I'll have to try it! Has anyone tried a wataboard? I just got it and I cannot wait to try it out! I am looking for some pointers.
  9. S

    Help!!! <how to fix scratch?>

    Okay guys I wet sanded it and buffed it it looks great there is one spot where there's little tiny dots.. did I go to far? I really don't mind them you can barley see them I would just like to know if I went to far?
  10. S

    Help!!! <how to fix scratch?>

    I was accully thinking about it! I need to get me one!
  11. S

    Help!!! <how to fix scratch?>

    Haha alright! Has anyone tried flyboarding? Thts what I did when it happened I just drank a few lol
  12. S

    Help!!! <how to fix scratch?>

    Thank you so much guys! N yea I know I got a few scratches but not this bad I was working on hooking up my wataboard to it n didn't notice I was scratching it!
  13. S

    Help!!! <how to fix scratch?>

    I scratched my boat! It barley catches my finger nail! Can I wet sand and buff it? What should I do? Please help me asap!!!! Thank you!