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Search results

  1. R

    Tilted Element Airmar Blanking Plug?

    It appears that you installed a in hull transducer in the same area as the factory transducer. How is that working for you or would you choose a different area. I have a 2016 242 limited and have a in hull that I want to mount and am not sure of where the best place would be. Thanks
  2. R

    New 242 Limited S Aux Voltage Warning

    Seems like a simple test for our batteries but since there are two batteries how do you know which battery is being tested?
  3. R

    Mounted my Ray Marine Dragonfly with Ram Mounts Today

    How did you attach the Ram to the SeaSucker?
  4. R

    How old is everyone?

    When I turned 30 I was sure I knew everything, until I reached 50 and realized I was not very smart at 30, but now I knew everything. Sorry, just turned 70 and realized that I was not that smart at 50?!! Just bought a 242 Limited S and can't wait to try my new wakeboard. Still get to the gym...