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Search results

  1. daned15

    243 VR Horse Power

    Congrats on the VR! I went back and forth too last Jan.... I ended up with the twin 250's. I can only tell you what mine will do and I boat on Lake Erie so can be choppy! I hit 58/59 twice last year... Burns some fuel doing so but 90% of the time I running around 28-30 MPH which I have to...
  2. daned15

    New Jet Boat Owner NE Ohio

    Hello! New JB owner also in NE Ohio. Just ordered a 243 VRX and should be here by May. Where do you boat? We live in Strongsville and will boat up around Port Clinton. Have fun and enjoy everyday you can here in Ohio!
  3. daned15

    Just ordered a 2017 Vortex 2430 VRX

    Nearly the same boat i just ordered minus the bucket seat!