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Search results

  1. John McLaughlin

    NJ Earthquake

    Our Daughter who lives in Scott Plains NJ felt the 4.8 earthquake that had its epicenter in Lebanon NJ which is about 26 miles from Scott Plains where they live. She had cups fall and there was a crack in her street. She thought it lasted about 15 seconds however others said it lasted almost...
  2. John McLaughlin

    Easter Dinner

    We celebrated Easter and our Grandson's 20ths birthday with a smoked ham glazed with a wild lingonberry glaze and a chocolate coffee buttercream frosting topped with a dark chocolate ganache and bunny surrounded by jelly beans.
  3. John McLaughlin

    What are you watching on TV? Favorite Shows? <name the service used>

    I just finished watching "Mending the Line" on Netflix. It is about a Marine and others suffering from PTSD. My wife and I found it very moving. It is IMO very well done.
  4. John McLaughlin

    What are you watching on TV? Favorite Shows? <name the service used>

    Awhile back I responded to a post about the Netflix series Detective Dee. I said it looked interesting however it was in Japanese and I did not want to read the subtitles in English. Well to make I long story short I got bored with so many other programs and started to watch it. I have really...
  5. John McLaughlin

    Started the replacement boat search after a 3 year hiatus

    Very happy to hear your wife is doing so much better
  6. John McLaughlin

    BBQ chicken and Assateaque ponies

    A BBQ chicken dinner with sauce carrots and roasted potatoes. The ponies at Assateaque. Don't fence me in and Let me ride through the wide open country that I love. Don't fence me in. Heck I just had to show the ponies
  7. John McLaughlin

    Home Made Pizza

    I finally made a decent pizza. I used home made dough and sauce and cooked in my OONI pizza oven. In the past they never came out this good.
  8. John McLaughlin

    Biscottis and Ponies

    Yesterday was nice we went to Assatteque and of course took more photos of the ponies. Today it was warm however it has rained all day so I made Biscotti's. They are an Italian cookie. Here are photos of the ponies and the cookies.
  9. John McLaughlin

    SV Pork Chops

    SV pork chops for dinner with air fyer potatoes and brocolli. The chops were first salted overnight and then prior to cooking added salt, pepper and a curry blend. Before SVing I seared both sides for about 1 minute and then cooked at 144 for 1 1/2 hours. Then seared again before serving.
  10. John McLaughlin

    What's your favorite Bourbon?

    I can handle it now I just had a pacemaker installed [flag] 😀
  11. John McLaughlin

    What's your favorite Bourbon?

    wow I have seen it on the web for sale
  12. John McLaughlin

    Started the replacement boat search after a 3 year hiatus

    That is very great news. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers for a full and complete recovery
  13. John McLaughlin

    Coffee Cake with Coffee Buttercream and Coffee Glazed Icing

    I recently had a pacemaker installed and I am restricted in what I can do. I cannot exercise, lift my left arm above my shoulder, no driving and no lifting more the ten pound. Some of this will be lifted at my next doctor's appointment. So what is left: Cooking and baking. So today I made a...
  14. John McLaughlin

    Bavarian Apple Cake

    Our son came to visit yesterday so I made him my version of the Bavarian Apple Cake. It is very much like an apple pie only easier to make as there are fewer ingredients and the topping is a cinnamon crumple top and not a pie crust. Also the recipe calls for only apples however I added lemon...
  15. John McLaughlin

    Anyone air fry?

    Yes had one for years. Ours is the Phillips. I prefer to use it outside due to the smoke / steam. It does work very well
  16. John McLaughlin

    Super Bowl I could have been a millionaire if

    Wow I could have been a very rich man today if I had listen to my young grandson. He told me the KC Chiefs were going to win the Super Bowl. When I asked why he said their quarterback was smarter than SF. He said KC QB was like him was very smart and could make very good quick decisions. Oh...
  17. John McLaughlin

    Best way to store sunglasses on the boat?

    Oh so true'. I learnt this the hard way many many years ago when I wrote what I thought was a very bland email. However the recipient did not see it that way. I learned that it is not what you write it is how the receiver will interpret it and that is dependent on so many different factors.
  18. John McLaughlin

    Free Military Lifetime Pass

    I just want to pass on that as veterans we are entitled to a free Military lifetime pass to our National Parks and other Federal Recreation facilities. All that is required is proof that you are a veteran. The card can be obtained at National Parks and even on line
  19. John McLaughlin

    Best way to store sunglasses on the boat?

    As one who has had melonoma in his eye and had to have eye surgery I strongly urge you all to wear your sunglasses all the time when boating even on cloudy days. I now wear mind out side just about all of the time.
  20. John McLaughlin

    What are you watching on TV? Favorite Shows? <name the service used>

    Unfortunately they are not in English and must be watched using CC. Or at least I have not found any to be in English