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  1. I

    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    I just wanted to thank Bruce and everyone who put in time to put this trip together. I had a great time and look forward to next year. Amazing group of people and lots of memories.
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    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    Here is the fishing regs from what i have found http://www.myoutislands.com/bahamas-fishing/regulations
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    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    anyone spear fishing on this trip?
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    Bimini 2017 Arrival Rum Delivery

    awesome thank you
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    Bimini 2017 Arrival Rum Delivery

    how do i check if i ordered rum as i think i did but not sure.
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    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    So excited to get over there.
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    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    Just sent the request for a condo we will see what i get.
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    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    Iggyg00 has registered to captain Feeling Fritzie with a crew of 1 adults and 0 children. They hail from the home port of Richmond hill GA. The crew is described as: ready to enjoy an adventure. Will add a in boat vhf, extra bilge pump, and 2nd battery before leaving You can register for the...
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    JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

    Hello, I am new to the forum can i still sign up for the bimini trip?