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  1. A

    Electrical Qs: flashing light while docked, DVSR , Connext voltage

    So I looked at my boat last night and I did have the little red wire. The little red guy was soldered in and I did not want to cut it so I took apart the battery switch and swapped the leads coming out of it. . My battery switch was labeled for the lead with the little red wire to be going to...
  2. A

    Fix for Connext Battery Voltage Issue - Confirmed

    So everyone I went and looked and the lead coming out of my switch for the house battery had a second wire with it. I took apart the battery switch and swapped the leads for the house and start batteries. Sadly this is how it was labeled so it looks like it was installed wrong. Hooked...
  3. A

    Fix for Connext Battery Voltage Issue - Confirmed

    So I going to tackle this mod over the weekend. Anyone have tips on the best run for the wires to get them from the battery to the pinout?