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  1. S

    07 Challenger 180se wont go all the way into forward.

    New cable is installed, back from a great day on the lake. Thanks everyone.
  2. S

    07 Challenger 180se wont go all the way into forward.

    Thanks, that's what I have done. Parts are on order.
  3. S

    07 Challenger 180se wont go all the way into forward.

    Well I can't find anything bent but I did. Come across something interesting. There is supposedto be a small hook and spring on the reverse lingake. Does anyone know what they do? Because mine are gone. The only reason I even know that they exist is by looking at a parts diagram. Could this...
  4. S

    07 Challenger 180se wont go all the way into forward.

    I've removed the throttle assy and it moves smooth, no resistance. The cable seems to be moving ok from the throttle to the reverse gate. It really weird because if I move the reverse gate up and down with the linkage connected it moves the shift lever into the proper spot and I can move the...
  5. S

    07 Challenger 180se wont go all the way into forward.

    No, its binding up on the trailer also. I've removed the handle and inspected the cable, all is good. Lubed the cable and reinstalled the handle. Back by the gate I also lubricated the shaft. Manually I can move the gate to all 3 positions with no issue, but the shift lever is super stiff to...
  6. S

    07 Challenger 180se wont go all the way into forward.

    Hi everyone I'm new so forgive me as I get to know you all. After a glorious day on the lake i was bringing the Do in to trailer it and the shiftier got very stiff, so much that while going into forward it doesn't quite go all the way up. To throttle up at all, I have to push the shift lever...