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Search results

  1. juliette

    Twin rotax 200 different rpms under acceleration

    Update: Our boat is in the shop for the 25 hour service. As for the engine sync issue... the sync module has an adjustable range of 4%. Our RPM difference (when tested by the dealer) was 11% - we had actually seen it higher but nonetheless it was outside of the adjustable range. So, BRP is...
  2. juliette

    2017 Seadek Group Buy POSSIBLE??

    Following for the 2017 group buy!
  3. juliette

    Twin rotax 200 different rpms under acceleration

    Anyone have any further info on this? We just got our 223 Vortex and have the same problem. Day 1 we noticed this issue. At slow speeds, the engines are about 500rpm apart but at 20 mph, the engines are running at 1000 rpm difference. Interestingly, at exactly 30mph in ECO mode only, they sync...
  4. juliette

    Twin rotax 200 different rpms under acceleration

    Anyone have any further info on this? We just got our 223 Vortex and have the same problem. Day 1 we noticed this issue. At slow speeds, the engines are about 500rpm apart but at 20 mph, the engines are running at 1000 rpm difference. Interestingly, at exactly 30mph in ECO mode only, they...
  5. juliette

    Chaparral Vortex Boat Owners Group on Facebook

    Found you guys!