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  1. D

    2nd year and lost

    I’m sure these questions have been asked over and over. Please be kind and let me know what I have to do to fix the following problems. I’ll take all suggestions with the exception of Sink It. I keep my boat in the Hudson River - it’s a salt water estuary river. Last year I had throttle cable...
  2. D

    2016 242 Limited S

    Just wanna say thanks to everyone for the sound advice. I change the plugs with anti seize. Additionally needed a new laynRd for the safety cut off. Boat ran like a champ. Thanks again everyone. I would have been lost with out the help.
  3. D

    2016 242 Limited S

    Nice. I've been given that response by some and I just want to hear from those who are living the life. Q: do you have a particular plug you like to use? Thanks so much for getting back
  4. D

    2016 242 Limited S

    Help: I've got the 2016 242 Limited S. Port side engine turns over but won't start. I've checked the emergency cut off switches in the swim platform. The drive cable is intact. What could possibly be causing this problem. Dan