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Search results

  1. Michael Harper

    SOLD SOLD 2015 Yamaha SX210- Louisiana

    Decided to sell my SX210 and get a AR240 or possibly a 242. This was our first NICE family boat and for the price/options has served us well and I have not been disappointed. The boat has around 80 hours and has been kept in shop covered when not being used. The trailer is galvanized. The boat...
  2. Michael Harper

    Completed 2015 Yamaha SX210-Louisiana

    Posted August 5, 2018...Bump
  3. Michael Harper

    Help Evaluating a SX210

    We love our SX210, it is an all around fit. We have pulled just about everything you could find behind it with no issues. The lack of a tower does affect the quality of using a wake board, but we normally ski, tube, and knee board. I agree with djetok on the speed. Two adults w/o bimini top...
  4. Michael Harper

    Completed 2015 Yamaha SX210-Louisiana

    Decided to sell my SX210 and get a AR240 or possibly a 242. This was our first NICE family boat and for the price/options has served us well and I have not been disappointed. The boat has around 80 hours and has been kept in shop covered when not being used. The boat has always been...