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Search results

  1. rescue7043

    '96 Mirage Won't Accelerate, Taking on water

    I was surprised that out of all the views not a single person replied, even if it was something to say it was a complete mystery to them. Everything in WI is backed up by weeks so the earliest I can bring it in is next Thursday. Last time they had the acceleration issue fixed in a day so we’ll...
  2. rescue7043

    2001 Sugarsand Tango 4 + 2 threw rod!

    Where in the UP are you located? I see you have it registered for WI, I am in Green Bay. Would possibly be interested. If you have more photos that would be great as well.
  3. rescue7043

    '96 Mirage Won't Accelerate, Taking on water

    I have a 1996 SugarSand Mirage. I've had an issue with the boat not being able to accelerate above 10mph and when I do advance the throttle beyond a certain point I can hear the RPM's increasing, but the thrust is lost and the speed decreases until I back off the throttle. There are 2 parts to...
  4. rescue7043

    1996 Sugar Sand Mirage Part out

    Looking for the windshield. As you can see mine is cracked and missing a good portion. I have no preference if it is clear or tinted. What price would you be looking for and rough estimate for shipping to WI. Can also be reached at rescue7043@icloud.com
  5. rescue7043

    SWAG Flags 2015 order

    I just ordered a JetBoaters.net Flag! This post was automatically inserted to keep track of the order. You can order yours at http://jetboaters.net/forms/jetboaters-net-flag-order-form.3/respond