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Search results

  1. C

    Sh%&tty Tires!

    Nice shoes! I had the same problem with Carlisle tires. Won't buy them again.
  2. C

    Show us your tow rigs!

    Nice truck! Are those aftermarket nerf bars or factory ones? I'm planning to install side steps on my 2014 F150.
  3. C

    Your first car

    My first car was a 1983 Camaro. My dad bought it as a birthday present.
  4. C

    My trailer mods

    Nice mods. I like the idea of having a camera on a trailer.
  5. C

    seadek storm grey

    Mine doesn't get hot at all. You can spray the floor with water before you go out. Seadek will stay cool when it gets wet.
  6. C

    Towing with/without a Cover

    With cover on. I also use blue painters tape on edges.
  7. C

    Car dash cam recommendations

    Check out Gearbest if you want an inexpensive one.
  8. C

    First Crabs of the Fall...

    Nice crabs. Looks delicious also.
  9. C

    Honey BBQ Chicken

    Looks like a good recipe. Simple and easy to prepare.
  10. C

    Rod Holders

    I also have the Dolphin rod holders. They work great and look good on my boat.
  11. C

    Boat Bean Bag Recommendation?

    I have the E-Seariders and love them.
  12. C

    what's up everyone

    Hello guys, I'm Clayton and I got my boat last year. Glad to be part of this community.