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Search results

  1. P

    Removing oil pumps on 2001 LS2000

    Ok, thank you very much!
  2. P

    Removing oil pumps on 2001 LS2000

    How do you know if the oil pumps are working properly? I have one that smokes a lot more than the other. I haven't started it for a while and never saw this before.
  3. P

    Variable Oil Ratio

    That's where I bought it. Dragon seems like a good guy. I'll see what be says.
  4. P

    Variable Oil Ratio

    Yes, but not those specific controllers. I want positive control of the oil ratio. I could monitor the flow but that is difficult and the hardware is more expensive. I will be monitoring cooling water flow.
  5. P

    Variable Oil Ratio

    I need information on what the actual oil ratio or consumption curve is for a 2001 LX2000. I'm going to build an electronic engine control system and want it to include a metering pump for the oil. I'll need the rpm : oil use curve and I'd rather not have to figure it out myself. If anyone...