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Search results

  1. H

    Scarab 255 Wake - Wake Tests with Ballasts

    How do you like the Ronix telescoping bag? Those are the ones Ive been looking at for speed and ease of use. I like how you can just drop the pump into the bag.
  2. H

    DIY Steering Cable Luber

    I had mine on an air compressor with at least 70 psi and it still took a while.
  3. H

    DIY Steering Cable Luber

    I ended up doing it from the helm and worked great! Thank you
  4. H

    DIY Steering Cable Luber

    I attempted the method in the first post, on my 08 AR230, the metal sleeve where you clamp the tubing to is just free floating/not attached under the black rubber at the nut on the transom. I pressurized it with air first and just comes out the other end of that approximately 6 inch metal tube...
  5. H

    SWAG Flags 2015 order

    I just ordered a JetBoaters.net Flag! This post was automatically inserted to keep track of the order. You can order yours at http://jetboaters.net/forms/jetboaters-net-flag-order-form.3/respond