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  1. U

    Who Bought The New 210 FSH So Far?

    thanks, I've seen all of the leak threads on the 190. Cycle Springs PLEADED to me that the problem has been fixed on the 190's...... and on the new 2018 210's as well. They know that if get any leaks they are on my speed dial and they will silicone me up. The drain hole on the 210 Anchor...
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    Who Bought The New 210 FSH So Far?

    Love the boat. I take delivery on Thursday. more than enough power in my opinion. Top speed with 4 adults with half fuel was 48. Top Speed with 6 adults (10 minutes later) was 47. most unique design for a boat i've ever seen. love it.
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    210 FSH

    Demo'd the 210 Sport on Lake Tarpon Saturday... 50% Fuel and 4 adults on board and I was shocked with the performance. I was thrown back in my seat and top speed was initially 44 mph. After 45 seconds of WOT top speed was 48mph. I pick my 210 FSH Sport on thursday from Cycle Springs. I expect...