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Search results

  1. J

    255 FSH Factory Trolling Bracket

    My original bracket was twisting, the dealership where I purchased my boat (cycle springs clearwater fl) fashioned me a much more solid one. I believe that they sell them now.
  2. J

    Fsh 255 autopilot

    From my opinion, I think an autopilot would not be ideal for a FSH because I find myself having to read the seas. If I drive the boat just start ahead it will be a rough ride unless it is a super calm day.
  3. J

    255 FSH Sport E Boat Test

    To help with your inquisition, I owned a 2018 212 limited S for about 5 years. I traded it in for a 2022 FSH 255 and I will tell you it is night and day. I was also skeptical because just visually inspecting the hull of the FSH255 it didn't look much different than the 212. But once in action, I...
  4. J

    ? about 212 limited S model

    it also has a small incremental throttle control to it, you are able to use to increase throttle by small amounts versus the little control gained by the throttle levers