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Search results

  1. jose hugo lira

    chaparral vortex vr 2015

    i need electrical map of a chaparral vortex 203 vr 2015
  2. jose hugo lira

    vortex / rotax engines wouldn't fire, then did. fault code 0300

    yes i moved and the shift level forward and back and i putt exact in neutral. the other things that appear in the manual is that when i have problem when the shift is no neutral sound a beep , but these not sound . all the other electrical thing is function, the turbine is function up and down ...
  3. jose hugo lira

    vortex / rotax engines wouldn't fire, then did. fault code 0300

    sir i bought a chaparral vortex 203 vr 2015 is work in last time , it have now 42 hours with the service of 25 hours do it . i bought in usa and take to chile , i try to start but not start, is when i move the key the board lights up but does not turn on the engine. not appear error in the...