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Search results

  1. C

    2000 LS2000 Windshields

    I found a starboard windshield that is in good shape. Now I need the port side. The ones on eBay are all starboard
  2. C

    2000 LS2000 reupholsterey in Detroit area.

    Thanks for the reply. From your pictures it appears I picked the same color scheme. My boat is scheduled for mid March. I’ll post pictures when I get it back.
  3. C

    2000 LS2000 Windshields

    Looing for both port and star board used windshields for a 2000 LS2000.
  4. C

    2000 LS2000 reupholsterey in Detroit area.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will ask the upholster if that could lower the quote. The current quote is $2,200.00.
  5. C

    2000 LS2000 reupholsterey in Detroit area.

    My 2000 LS2000 is over due for a reupholsterey job. The upholstery shops I have contacted are concerned about the rounded back rests. Can anyone in the Michigan area recommend a upholstery shop? What is a reasonable amount to pay.