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Search results

  1. Paul McCurley

    Chickamauga Lake, Tennessee River, Chattanooga TN

    As soon as the weather breaks should be out on Chickamauga
  2. Paul McCurley

    Ar190 or ar195?

    I too went through that same discussion but ended up with a AR195 Mostly because I had talked the dealer a few months earlier and decided to wait then he called me back the last of a boat show and had a 2017 AR195 left and told me he could sell it to me for 30,600 with the bow and mooring...
  3. Paul McCurley

    AR 190 vs. AR 195 msrp analysis

    I did a lot of research before buying a 2017 AR195 and one thing that no one has mentioned is the sound. According to boattest.com at 6500 RPMs the 195 is 84db and the AR190 is 95db which is a huge difference. And I put about 30 to 40 hrs a year on my old boat and that equals about $200 to...