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2004 sx230

  1. Sx2302004

    Hi can I get help on trouble shooting Engine turns but doesn’t start

    Hi ran into trouble with one engine turning but no start on my 04 sx230 swapped fuel pumps ,checked landyard switch ,hatch switch all good also checked for spark and fuses where ok when adding starter fluid engine starts stays on till fluid burns off has anyone came across same issues ? Any info...
  2. C

    2004 Yamaha SX230 w// white paste in the water line ??

    Hello, looking at purchasing a very low hrs Sx230 that has been in storage for a couple of years. The engines are overheating due to a 'white tooth paste' like substance that plugs up the waterlines. The current owner says he has flushed out the lines, but after 5 to 15 min they plug back...