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2016 limited s e series

  1. Khalid

    Completed Want to trade a 2016 242 Limited S-E for a 2018X-E Houston

    Long shot, but I would love to trade my boat + cash for a 2018X-E. My boat has 146 hrs (and growing bc I use it every weekend). It has the upgraded JL audio sound system, underwater blue lights, thrust vector and Seadek. It’s a headturner that gets many complements and has NO meachnical issues...
  2. A

    2016 242 limited S E-Series: Vector XL vs. Cobra

    hello there. New to the group. Just picked up our new boat and have been researching fins. I saw a post from last year concerning this but it was as the new models were coming out and the fins being redesigned. Both seem to be great products. Looking for pro/cons for each concerning my boat...