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battery issue

  1. Bohdiez

    Battery Keeps Dying

    No easy way to put it other than WTF. I’m sitting here on my dock trying to rack my brain and doesn’t my brothers boat automatically start to bilge itself which tells me that there battery is on. If I turn my switch to off it completely kills everything in the boat. What’s annoying is...
  2. M

    Check Engine battery issue

    Have a new to me ‘17 242 LSE and keep having battery issues and need help diagnosing if it’s just bad batteries. Keep the batteries on a tender and start with 14+ V on each battery but then just sitting in slip with engines off drained them within just a few mins. Silence alarm every 5mims and...
  3. Mohamed Z Sherif

    2018 242x house battery while anchored question.

    when i turn the house battery to listen to music i get the low battery voltage (12.5v) light beep and can't quite It until i turn the start battery on. i just got the boat and didn't get to use It an hr yet.