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  1. B

    Need stereo manual for 2018 SX190

    Hi, Just bought a mint 2018 sx190. I need the manual for the factory Bluetooth stereo system Any help would be greatly appreciated. Brian
  2. J

    Bluetooth doesn't stay on - switches back to radio

    Hi everyone, I recently bought a 2016 242x E-series. LOVE IT!! I'm new to jet boating and can't say enough about this boat. We use it mostly for wakeboarding and surfing. Still figuring out how to make the best wake, but we're getting there. The bluetooth was working great until a couple of...
  3. RodK


    Hi.. I have never been able to get the bluetooth on my 2016 VR223 to pair with my iphone. Any tips?
  4. J

    [Connext] - Removing a stored bluetooth device?

    On the new Connext system, does anyone know how to delete a device that has been paired via bluetooth so that it no longer shows up as a stored device? I was playing with my setup this weekend and paired a device that I have no intention of using on the lake and now it resides in the #1 slot on...