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  1. J

    Where to find a Scarab Dealer in Connecticut

    Bought my 2014 Scarab215HO from a Ct Dealer in early 2015. That dealer does not do anything with Scarab boats anymore I found another dealer in 2017 at the top of the state - Now - they no longer do anything with Scarabs I started using a shop that didn't carry Scarabs, but have all sorts of...
  2. AbuAyd

    Glastron service options near Austin, TX

    Hello Everyone, Glastron terminated their local dealer in my area near Austin, TX and it is hard to find a place with expertise on jetboats to do basic maintenance work. I was hoping to find owners who were in the same situation and get recommendations on what to do. I am starting to...
  3. robert cabrerea

    my purchase 2016 sx190

    BMC boats in sanford fl. These folks have it down pat. They went above and beyond. Let me look at the boat as if were my own without any pushy sales techniques. Drew the person who I spoke to 1st was so layed back and clear about everything. They gave me a fair price for my trade in and made my...